Getting Creative with Kitenge

At Tubahumurize, the possibilities are endless. Anyone who has spent time exploring our shop knows that in every nook and cranny you are bound to find another creation. We may be best known for our quilts and wide selection of bags, but our infinitely talented seamstresses have mastered everything from bucket hats to kippahs to Christmas stockings.

Custom orders are one of our specialties, such as the kitenge overalls that were specially designed for participants of this year’s AfrikaBurn festival in South Africa.

Have any clothes that you’re getting a bit tired of? A little kitenge can go a long way! Adding a simple kitenge accent can make what’s old new again, and can turn any run-of-the-mill piece of clothing into something unique. Try turning a T-shirt into a stylish pocket-T, or lining a pair of shorts with you favourite fabric to add some flare.

Do you have a dream kitenge creation? We’d love to hear it! Contact us at, on Facebook, or pop into our shop in Kabeza and we would be happy to hear your ideas and make you personalized products. If you need some inspiration, keep an eye out for our new catalogue, coming soon!

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