novembre 18, 2017

Women’s Shelter Fund

While Tubahumurize programs have a transformative impact in the lives of many beneficiaries, many others come to us with struggles related to domestic violence that we are unable to meet in our current configuration. In such cases, women and their children are economically dependent upon abusive partners with limited options to turn to, forcing them to remain in violent and potentially life threatening conditions.

The aim of the Tubahumurize Safe Shelter is to provide women with a longer-term safe, supportive, women-centred housing in which to recover from the trauma of domestic violence, to reflect, and to access the information and supports necessary to make important personal choices about their future. The goal is to provide women with the tools necessary to end the cycle of violence for themselves and their children, and to foster a generation of understanding and compassion towards all genders.

In order make this dream a reality, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds necessary to get the project off the ground. The target is high, but so is the quality of our supporters around the globe. Together, we can work to provide Rwandan women with security and autonomy. Together, we can show our support for our sisters, and demonstrate our belief that Rwandan Women Can!

Please check out the link and share widely – if all of our supporters took the time to donate even $10 the campaign would be done. Let’s stop talking about what needs to be done and instead let’s work to make it happen!