Green & Gold Community Garden to receive Senate of Canada 150 Medal!

We are thrilled that our partners at the Green & Gold Community Garden  in Edmonton, Alberta will soon be receiving a Senate of Canada 150 Medal!

The Senate of Canada 150 Medal celebrates the 150th anniversary of the first sitting of the Senate in 1867.  Each Senator has been given the opportunity to award a medal to 12 individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to their community.

Senator Grant Mitchell, who travelled to Rwanda and visited us at Tubahumurize earlier this year, has chosen to award one such medal to the Green & Gold Community Garden in recognition of its remarkable work in service of the local community and of Tubahumurize Association.

We are – as always – thrilled and honoured to be affiliated with the Green and Gold Garden, and believe its passionate, creative, and tireless volunteers fully merit this recognition.


For more on the Green and Gold Community Garden and our longstanding partnership with them, we invite you to check out:

1 thought on “Green & Gold Community Garden to receive Senate of Canada 150 Medal!

  • We received a Senate of Canada 150 Medal! The medals celebrate the 1h anniversary of the first sitting of the Senate in 1867. Each Senator awarded 12 medals to ‘unsung heroes’ who have made significant contributions to their community. Senator Grant Mitchell, who travelled to Rwanda and visited Tubahumurize earlier this year, has chosen to award us a medal in recognition of our efforts to benefit the local community and also support Tubahumurize.

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