Simone volunteered at Tubahumurize in Kigali for about 6 months in 2009 and joined its Board of Directors shortly thereafter.
In addition to continuing to advance the organization’s strategic priorities from her home in Canada, Simone has returned several times to Rwanda to assist hands-on with a range of projects and programs.
Simone wrote the following reflective pieces based on her visits to Rwanda:
Fruits of Hatred, about Tubahumurize’s counselling work with women who bore children following their rape during the genocide.
What Power Looks Like, about what makes Tubahumurize’s unique approach to supporting women’s healing and empowerment so effective (in celebration of International Women’s Day).

Volunteer Simone Hanchet leads a yoga class for Tubahumurize beneficiaries

Volunteer Simone Hanchet signing up women for her popular ESL classes.